Alphabet Talkp

4 years ago

Add One thru 18 =171+19+20=39+171=210. Add 20 thu 26=140+21=161+19=180 AlphABET TOTAL 351. One through 26 total is 351. Add a Y after the 351.
Although Y is 25th Letter after the Z is the 27 Unless we count down, this is a New Situation either 1 through 26=351+25=376, or 351+27=378.
7X8=56+7=63+8=71. 7X1, 7+1= 7+8....56
41 4X1=4, 4+1=5 54 SUN 54, fOX 45, 9X6, 9X5...PASS 55, SUN 54, dNA 19, CREATE 52.
There there is an error in the video thank you 19+20=39 the skys of saturn Sky 55.
Adding One through Twenty total 210. Add one Through 18=171+19+20=210

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