Knowledge of Good and Evil: Abel (Good) Cain (Evil) Eve names sons Adam has no voice SETH names Enos

4 years ago

There is a lot going on in this video. We see the covert narcissism of The Serpent the way the way Eve got her identity after the sin. Eve glorified Cain and ignored Abel. Adam is silent and is not heard of again. EVE names the three sons Abel, Cain and Seth. Seth is the first time a MAN named a son Enos and something special happens with Enos. Also Rachel was going to name Benjamin Ben-Oni Israel called out the name Benjamin before Rachel died.

Am all over the place on this video but so much is covered that had left a few a bit out however if you look at the information as presented you can fill in the blanks. Was not sure to post but then remembered the people have a family tree and therefore the preaching of Jehovah began at Enos!

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