Ep 14: Be Elite. FUCK AVERAGE!

4 years ago

There’s a strong trend of anti-elitism growing in the world, and whilst I understand where it comes from, because it’s been poorly defined, it’s totally misguided.

In fact, by not defining the damn thing properly, we group truly honourable & inspirational people up with the parasites.

This lack of properly defining things is the source of many problems - but I’ll get to that in another video.

I wrote an article about this which you can read about here:


and as usual, I want to wake people up & delineate between true elites, and the parasites we wrongfully label as such.

In the process of doing so, I hope for two things:

You don’t get caught in the trap of resenting those with more than you, because that is destructive and helps neither you nor society.
You choose to become elite yourself. You embrace what’s unique about you. You choose to become the best version of yourself and impact the world in a way that only you can.

This is what it takes to push the human race forward.
The ability to be OUT-FUCKING-STANDING.

You want to be an outsider.
You want to be a minority.
You want to be different.

As Arnold said “nobody has ever done this before” is the motivator.

Those who want to earn & grow themselves into the 1% are to be praised & admired.

What could be more inspiring than an individual who creates something from nothing.
Who takes their labour, their time, their effort and their energy to build something.

This is profound. This is life. This is how the individual drives the human race forward.


Thanks again for listening.

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