No More Damsels Is The Anti-Christ Of The Warhammer Community

4 years ago

Today ACE provides an update to the email campaign as a group known as "No More Damsels" has decided to try to counter Arch's holy email campaign with an open letter of their own. For those wishing to send Games Workshop an email here is everything you need below:

Games Workshop Email:

Warhammer Is for Everyone,

This sentiment was never in doubt in the Warhammer community, Warhammer Fantasy and 40k have been played in stores and hobby rooms all across the globe by people of all races, religions and genders. We were all brought together by our common love for these deep, dark and complex worlds! It superseded our differences and united us with a common love for the game and the universe! In all its grim glory!

But then, on June the 5th, the Warhammer Community Team stated that we were wrong. For the first time ever Warhammer was NOT for everyone. For the first time ever Warhammer chose to close its doors for some. For the first time ever Warhammer chose to say “If you feel the same way, we are glad to have you, and if you don't, you will not be missed”.
For the first time ever fans of Warhammer were attacked for their opinions.

The spell was broken, and the community immediately descended into vitriol and witch hunts. A little over a month after the statement the community has never been more fractured, it has never been more divided. And everyone is wondering who is up next on the chopping block.

It is time for Games Workshop to step up and say.

Warhammer is for Everyone,
No “if you agree”
No “you will not be missed”
No ifs no buts.
Warhammer is for everyone, including people like me


The open letter (archived you don't have to deal with the taint of heresy of the original):

Arch's reaction video:

New Memes:

Gameplay from Future Cop: L.A.P.D.

#IStandWithArch #Arch #JesusArchChrist

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