Sleep Apnea Warning Signs & Best Treatments 👃

4 years ago

What causes Sleep Apnea, what are the warning signs of Sleep Apnea and how do you fix Sleep Apnea?

#sleepapnea #sleepapneacure #sleepapneatreatment

Sleep Apnea Online Questionnaire:

What is Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnoea (known as OSA) is a common sleep problem where your airways narrow in the night, which stops your breathing for short spells when you are asleep.

What causes Sleep Apnea?
Factors that increase the risk of developing Sleep Apnea (OSA) include:
• Being overweight or obesity. Particularly if you have a thick neck, as the extra fat in the neck can squash your airway.
• Drinking alcohol in the evening.
• Enlarged tonsils.
• Taking sedative medicines such as sleeping tablets or tranquilisers.
• Sleeping on your back rather than on your side.
• Having a small or receding lower jaw (a jaw that is set back further than normal).
• Smoking.
• Family history of Sleep Apnea.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
1. Daytime tiredness
2. Waking with a headache & dry mouth
3. Many bathroom visits in the night
4. Snoring
5. Lack of concentration
6. Depression and low mood
7. Reduced libido or erectile dysfunction
8. Family members notice choking episodes or stop breathing for periods of time

What are the treatments for Sleep Apnea?
1. Lifestyle Factors – Lose weight, quit smoking, reduce alcohol, side sleeping, stop sedatives
3. Oral appliances
4. Surgery

Side sleeping evidence:

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ABOUT ME: I want to make it easier for people to fix common health problems. I work as a medical doctor in New Zealand.

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