Bring deer into your back yard... Naturally..

4 years ago

07-29-20. Welcome back to our Kapper Outdoors Southern Illinois farm for today's Farm Vlog video. We are blessed to be able to experience up close wildlife viewing virtually every day at our very rural Southern Illinois farm. And today's episode is one that you might want to consider if you live in a rural area beyond the city limits. This is a short clip of an adult Whitetail deer (Doe) and her fawn munching on a small clover plot that I convinced my wife to let me put in among-st our back yard lawn! It is a very small clover plot, yet is provides delicious snacking for all kinds of wildlife including whitetail deer, turkey, rabbits and more. In today's episode we will share an up close view of the deer and deer fawn munching on the very small clover plot, but more importantly pose the question to you, if you live outside of the city limits in a semi rural or rural area, have you thought about a clover plot in your back yard? As you will see, the return on equity (small cost and time) is far greater than any money spent on creating such a wonderful clover plot! The wildlife will thank you for it and ultimately reward you with some beautiful viewing pleasure that you cannot put a price tag on! Thanks for joining us today, if you enjoy our content please hit the Like button, comment and share it to help us grow our awesome country living YouTube family! Thank you. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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