(10/26/21) HCSD Meeting Highlight - Monty Floyd (School Bus Safety Speech)

3 years ago

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This is a partial video replay of the October 26, 2021, Hernando County School Board Meeting in which Monty Floyd attempted, again, to get the Hernando County School Board to DO ANYTHING to protect our children from a very dangerous and potential safety issue on our County school buses.

(See the BayNews9 article) To date the Hernando County School Board has refused to acknowledge the serious overcrowding issue on our buses and has refused to do anything to fix it. In comparison other Florida counties, namely Pasco, has gone out of their way to fix the issue.

Both of Monty's opponents still refuse to admit that there is a safety issue on our school buses, and only Monty has released a plan to fix the issue.

* NOTICE - In the coming week I will launch my own podcast to give the local Hernando County Community a full play-by-play recap of the biweekly school board meetings, as well as information about what's actually going on in their local schools and classrooms. My goal is to inform the parents of Hernando County about what your elected School Board is actually up to, and what your hard earned tax dollars are actually paying for.

I hope to have the podcast (which has yet to be named) launched sometime this month.

Follow my campaign on social media:

🐦 https://twitter.com/RealMontyFloyd
🐸 https://gab.com/TheRealMontyFloyd

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