Kenya, Africa, Live Worship by Pablo Perez (Back in 2009, with Rory Alec, GOD-TV)

2 years ago

Kenya, Africa, Live Worship by Pablo Perez with my dear friend (and old boss) Rory Alec - More worship music by Pablo:

My first trip with GOD-TV was on a 24-hour notice. Got an email from my friend Jono Hall, I said yes, and 5 hours later I was on a plain for Nairobi, Kenya... upon arriving, we got 3 hours sleep and went driving to the mountain you see on these footage. What an adventure!

Also, got the privilege to sing with the Children Choir of Uganda, and meet Pastor Matthew Ashimolovo, a wonderful man of God.

The 2 days are combined on these video clips. A truly remarkable and memorable time... after that trip, I got the privilege of traveling the world with GOD TV for about 7 years.

NOTE: As with all the "Pablo Classics" playlist, the audio is mastered from a live video feed (not possible to mix - don't expect studio quality sound).

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