Episode 23: CoronaCoaster Blues

4 years ago

One minute you're up, the next minute you're down. One day you're up and the next day you're down. These are typical symptoms of the CoronaCoaster Blues. Should we do what the "leaders" are telling us and hunker down in our houses until we get a vaccine? Or is this all a plot against the human race? That's the extremes I question in my head. I personally think this pandemic is being used as a way to drive out small businesses so all the corporations get more power and we all have to work for them. But hey, what do I know? After all, the airlines are still flying people all around, so things can't be that bad, right? As always, I'm open to friendly, peaceful, debate and exchange of ideas. Just because people disagree does not mean they can't be friends.

I am reluctant to preach, but do your best to support small businesses through these times and do not leave your house if you have a fever. Ugh! Why am I even still doing this "podcast"? Is it even a podcast? Or is it a vlog? Well, I hope someone out there is enjoying it and I really hope it inspires people to speak their minds during these times, as well. The puppet masters can only take as much as the mass of people will let them.....

Anyways, I unleash a new song on this episode. I think some of the lyrics are too strong, so I will probably re-work them, but here is the song so far.

Song: CoronaCoaster Blues by Fast Heart Mart

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