Episode 22: Today, Tomorrow & Whatever Side of History

4 years ago

I lost some followers after my last episode titled "The White Man Stole This Land". I suspect I will lose some followers after this post as well, but so be it. It's hard to take, but I must speak out my truth and let people decide wether they want to continue to listen to me or not. Perhaps speaking my truth will attract new followers?

Everyone is in their own places with this "pandemic". Some think it will be over shortly, when the vaccine comes out. Some think the vaccines will be the beginning of the end of the human race. Some people think standing with the Black Lives Matter movement means you are on the "right side of history". I think listening to what your heart tells you and standing up for whatever you believe in is always putting yourself on the "right side of history", even if you do not participate in the Black Lives Matter movement, like myself.

The past, present and future all seem to be melding at this juncture in human history. I think the way through this is unifying and finding common ground amongst all of us so we can all create a better tomorrow for all the peoples of the world.

Song: Tomorrow by Fast Heart Mart

NOTE: Sorry about the halo around my head! Still working out my green screen skills.

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