October 17, 2021

3 years ago


(M would rather complain than take advice, J says M is interrupting him "just like Daddy" (even though D is the one who dragged us out here and forcing us to stay while running around wherever he wants, while M is at least trying to talk to us about the Bible (for some reason??) please just pray J never plays that card on me again 💀)

phone had a warning up about overheating and I don't know what to do about it - if we have any health or tech problems between now and whenever D FINALLY decides to head back to San Antonio, we're almost literally 'up the creek without a paddle' "because kinfolk (&/or Boggs)) (D out talking to relatives who don't like us (fighting over land and houses) putting us in danger, and wants to stay a day longer than he even reserved the hotel room to pay $200 to have his name put on a brick at his old school)

please pray for me and help me get myself out of this toxic situation at ko-fi.com/achingforstrength, buymeacoffee.com/aching, and patreon.com/AchingForStrength

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