October 11, 2021

3 years ago

going to D's sister's funeral (to be stuck in GA for my "birthday", with M and J screaming at each other about LITERALLY EVERYTHING just because they can the whole time (and D not caring about "us" one bit) (knowing I'm morally in the wrong for getting effected by any of this at all doesn't make my eyes not cry for some reason, even though getting caught "dropping tears for no reason" WILL get me kicked out or thrown in an insane asylum) (I ruined everything by asking for prayer one too many times until M got me to break down and admit I didn't want a lot of arguing and, well, Challenge Accepted and now it really is all my fault)

please help me get myself out of this at buymeacoffee.com/Aching, ko-fi.com/achingforstrength, and patreon.com/AchingForStrength (at least assuming I get back physically alive)

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