Day 42: Pondering The Mandates

3 years ago

As an artist who makes a living playing music, it is my task to speak my mind as much as possible, without alienating anyone. I ask my friends on both sides of the issues and from all walks of life, to please join me in peacefully standing up to and speaking out against any mandates associated with this crisis this is upon us. I think most people can agree, we must all remain free to choose what we do to our bodies, not only now, but for future generations who come after us.

Do not do anything stupid or destructive to peacefully stand up to any mandates. Passive resistance is all that is needed. If a business mandates anything, just kindly let them know you are taking your business somewhere else. Your dollar is your vote. Money is what makes and breaks everything in this current reality we are in. Spend wisely.

PS I don't believe shopping at Amazon is spending wisely. Only shop at Amazon when absolutely necessary. Furthermore, I suspect if we all stopped paying for Prime and Netflix memberships this pandemic would be over very quickly.

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