RECESSION! Q2 GDP -1% Biden Plans to Stay the Course, No Relief in SIght!

2 years ago

#recession #Recession2022 #bidenflation
Biden is getting his wish as the American people suffer. He’s living the green dream while the average person pays $100 to fill their tank. More if you have a pickup. His whole life he dreamed of being president. He’s getting his wish. Hyperinflation, empty shelves, food insecurity and a fearful populace are a tyrant's dream. The GDP estimate was dropped to –1% growth, meaning what we all knew anyway, that we are technically in a recession after 2 quarters of decline. The scary part is, that instead of following the example of past leaders and attempting changing policy to right the ship, Biden vows to stay the course and point fingers. Like the captain of the Titanic, he is speeding as fast as he can toward his own demise. Blaming others and projecting has never built a strong and vibrant economy. This president is incapable of making a good decision, every change he has made in his entire life has been for the worse. While his son was making billion dollar deals with China, he was making deals with the devil...not figuratively, but literally. Once upon a time, Biden was pro-life, GO.... He was willing to put his soul on the altar of Molech to get more votes from the far left. Just a few years ago, he preached that marriage is between a man and a woman GO... What’s he saying now? He’s more than happy to tank our economy and watch the common man suffer so he can get his dream of destroying fossil fuels... The problem is, the Green New Deal isn't working. We’ve got the pain, but where’s the gain? Global elitists and communists know if the average person puts their last dollar in their tank, they won’t be able to provide for their family. A prosperous and free people are very difficult to bring under subjection. The hungry and oppressed bow the knee pretty fast. Stalin knew this well, so he starved millions. Chairman Mao knew this, so he taught young people lies, he lied about history and lied about western civilization, just like we are doing today to our children. Schools are feeding young people lies about history and society instead of educating them. An ignorant and hungry populace is easy to control, easy to bend to your will. How long will America wallow in the darkness of ignorance? How long will they believe the lie? Inflation rages, so we print more money and give more money away, a recipe for more inflation. We have an energy shortage, so instead of creating more energy, we opt to restrict what we already have, to fuel the crisis. For months, the government knew about the baby food shortage, but did nothing. Why? It’s about oppression and it’s about control. We repeal any law that would keep a criminal in jail and put him on the streets, and then we blame guns for shooting people. How much more crime will we endure before we lock up criminals? How many people have to OD before we put pushers away for good? How many must starve before we quit funding a forever war? The Russian currency has never been stronger. Putin put his country first, and no matter how evil he is, and he is evil, he understands that a country with great natural resources such as Russia doesn’t need to go begging to other countries for food and fuel. Biden is going to Saudi to beg for more oil, and they will laugh in his face, or they will exact a price so terrible that America will be a laughing stock. Yes, we are in a recession, and we are a ship without a rudder. So for now, I recommend prayer. And in November, I recommend change.

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