Blindspot Spec 3.3 - The Horror, The Horror, of South Africa's extermination of smokers [ctd]

2 years ago

BLINDSPOT SPECIAL 3.3 - COVID-19 Power Grabs Exposed [Ctd]

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The nuts & bolts of the prophetic short story from the long ago time and place of 1998, penned by Prof Jan Kalahari aka Ian Liebenberg. Which features as Exhibit Z in Buiteboer’s book - Searching for madness in the method.

The officially non-redacted translation, into Machiavellian Inglish, of: Rook as misdadigheid en Sigmund die Fraud herkoloniseer Afrika [Smoking as Criminal Offence and Sigmund the Fraud Recolonises Africa]

We share this, free & gratis this to celebrate the fact that in June 2022, the South African High Court of Appeal, ruled, like the Western Cape High Court, in December 2020, that the ban imposed on the sale of tobacco products, as part of COVID-19 lockdown and national lock-up procedures, was in fact, unconstitutional. This means South Africa’s cabinet has a minister declared doubly unconstitutional by the courts!

In Blindspot Special 3.2 we covered numbers I to V of the summarised sections of the translation of Prof Kalahari’s story. In Special 3.3 we will look at the remaining remainders of smokers as so prophetically predicted by Prof Jan Jakkahari:

I - Back to the future of 1998
II - Smoking declared a crime & constitutional changes afoot
III - Democratic South Africa gives birth to: Project for the Total Suppression of Habitual Smoking- and other Nicotine Related Smoking Disorders
IV - Techno-science to the rescue
V - Creation of Tactical Counter-Smoke Strike Units to wield SEEBESEMS to turn smokers into cat & dog food pellets
VI - A National Dragnet of Super Sensitive Smart Smoke Detectors - Switched ON - 1 January, 2000
VII - D-Night (2 January 2000) - deploying the Tactical Counter-Smoke Strike Units operationally on an unsuspecting bang babalaas smoking public
VIII - Minister of Health declares success as Newspapers report on 3 January, 2000, that 787 Smokers Snuffed Out in Millenial New Year “Operation Stompie Surprise”

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