Fiona Barnett exposes NWO pedophile cannibal Satanist presidents PMs royals Hollywood celebs police

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). The following is the video documentary “Candy Girl – Part 2” by Fiona Barnett, a daughter of a “Operation Paperclip” Nazi “Black Sun” Sabbatean Frankist Blackwater Nazi SS Satanist, who was kidnapped and killed for exposing the torture and LGBTPB (lesbian gay bisexual transvestite pedophile bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis chimera” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual rape & sodomy and sacrifice and cannibalism by the Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” pedophile cannibal Satanist feminist witch “gay mafia elite” reptilian hybrid “Genesis 3:15 seed of the serpent” presidents and prime ministers and Hollywood celebrities and royal families and pastors and judges and police chiefs and military leaders and idol singers and CIA NSA MI6 FBI and school teachers and corporate executives and mainstream media and Vatican and so on. They are making children eat other children. The Western feminist nations’ “women’s equality” pastors and religious Christian hordes, who are rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, are hiding in silence and not exposing the black nobility families’ names and earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers’ names and organizations and secrets and crimes, because they are cowardly traitors and they condone the evil, and they do not want to end up in a plane crash like Dr. Carrie Madej or get cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms every day like us real Christians. They are the most disgusting fake religious Christian End Times generation, who even modify & dilute & sterilize & pick & choose & edit the truth to make it safe from assassinations and ridicule from church donators. They are afraid of getting their own genetic descendants idols kidnapped by Hillary Clinton’s CPS (Child Protective Services) on false charges to be made into child sex slaves, and tortured & lesbian raped & sacrificed & eaten by the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers, and their human meat thrown into the supermarket food & restaurant food, even though God gave his only begotten Son Jesus to die on the cross for us so that we may receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life. They are very nauseating people, who betrayed us and abandoned us to fight the millions of Illuminati NWO assassins alone, and who betrayed the 12 million children getting tortured and eaten every year. They do not like my daily sermon I am writing right now, because I am getting stinging in my feet from either CIA microwave oven weapons from downstairs or cut off of blood by the “thorn in the flesh” entities or demonic attacks or witchcraft psychic attacks. They are now attacking with waist and genital pain attacks. When their Freemason Jesuit Wicca Black Ops assassins come to try to shoot you in the head in your apartment lobbies, laugh at them, and expose them more. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow. Preach this sermon in your next Sunday church service so that 99% of your donators will leave your church in terror or disgust or anger, so that God’s holy house will be cleansed of their religious filth and cowardice and treachery and fake Christianity “love & light” of Sananda Jesus. End of transmission…

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