Tug Of War

2 years ago

There is a tug of war between truth and lies and it affects us all. Deception is so prevalent in our times, it is overwhelming the evil that is being exposed and expunged by God. It shakes us our inner spiritual core, trembles with anxiety at times, especially because there is no break from the cultural chaos continually roaring as we are daily confronted by the father of lies. The Holy Spirit of God is our Advocate and He, being with us at all times will navigate us through this time of deception. We can breathe in the Truth of God daily, as we study and mediate with our Bible, our anchor of truth that will hold. We can stand on the side of truth when everyone else around us is chaotically roaring in deception. (Look At Elijah: 1 Kings 18:17-39 Read It) Our anchor of truth will hold us, no doubt about it. We are highly encouraged to trust in the power of God’s Word, as it can and will stand the test of time, it will endure the pounding of deception in times such as these.

We can step out and stand on the side of truth, even though the world violently tugs on us with thugs and mob violence, erratically and irrationally pushing forth a fake reality with fear, attacking us with physical threats, and financial ruin. Yet, we stand, we stand in unity with God and His Truth, we depend upon the Holy Spirit of God to make a way for us when our worldly viewpoint shows no way of truth. Together, we are so good, so we make the choice to learn and live with a Kingdom perspective, a reliance upon God, giving God total access to our lives. We say no to living by emotion and feelings, and yes to living by fact and truth.

God is greater and more powerful than our enemy who attacks our reputation, finances, future, and hope with false narratives and outright lies about who we are and what we do. We give those stuck in a fake reality no permission to speak into our lives, and we hold the line of truth, we position ourselves under the Rulership of God’s Love. In this tug of war, we will feel exhaustion, but as we dig our life roots deeper in God’s Kingdom. And in the yielding to God, the letting God lead, we will know a strength like no other, a courage like no other, a boldness like no other and we will be able to share truth and love with our enemy is a way we never could imagine doing. On this day of incredible controversy for the truth of God, we breathe in the power of the Holy Spirit, and we exhale, anxiety, fear, and weakness as we choose God and His Kingdom perspective, over this world and its corruptive illegitimate authority. We hold the line of truth and our anchor will hold. Breathe in God in all of His glory and exhale, doubt, worry, and depression. We are anchored in Jesus Christ and our anchor will hold and joyfully, we will go about God’s business, and we will grow through the times such as these, and we will finish well. Stand! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/stand-for-you/

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