Dairy Scream: A ‘Karen’ Wreaks Havoc By Shouting At Staff And Customers In Dairy Queen

2 years ago

A woman was captured in Idaho Falls Dairy Queen shouting at customers and staff after the store had closed.

Carolina, 21, was working for DoorDash at the time and was waiting for an order, when the woman came inside and began shouting at an employee.

The incident which occurred in August last year, shows the woman shouting at the Dairy Queen employees before she began swearing at the last remaining customers and other DoorDash employees.

Standing in soli-dairy-ty, fellow customers stuck up for the young worker the woman was shouting at.

Carolina said: "I was angry that she was getting up into the kid’s face over something so small.

"She was only able to come into the store after it was closed because they were waiting for us DoorDashers and the last remaining customers to leave"


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