Why People have Embraced Mask Mandates

4 years ago

NOTE - do not bother saying shit like "I didn't subscribe to your channel for content like this". I don't care why you subed. My channel is a variety of things all around my podcast. If you don't like a topic don't watch it or unsub. Either is fine, bitching like a "Karen" will only result in me mocking you. You have been warned.

The science is in, more than a dozen studies spanning 7 decades 100% say mass making does not work. If you want to verify this, use google and pubmed, and you can start here. https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy

That is now what I want to discuss today though, I want to discuss the WHY behind the complete irrational embrace of mask policies. Believe it or not it is the same reason people hoarded toilet paper in the beginning.

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