Tale of Murder, Manslaughter, Official Malfeasance and Reckless Endangerment - Part 1

2 years ago


In this video I relate to my audience how I have contacted by registered letters, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers as well as their Health Ministers and the various Commissioners of Police at Federal, State and Territory level; bringing to their attention concerns I and my colleagues have regarding the Government's handling of COVID-19. Of particular concern is the fact that individuals and agencies, acting on behalf of the Government, have actively prevented the use of low cost, highly effective therapeutics for the early treatment of COVID-19. This, in our opinion, has resulted in the needless deaths of hundreds of Australians and a great deal of misery. Instead they have, in our opinion, deliberately created an atmosphere of fear and hysteria in the general populace so as to convince them that their only salvation is to subject themselves to a course of what has proved to be extremely dangerous injections of mRNA therapy.

I did not receive a single reply to these letters so I then sent a registered letter to the Directors of Public Prosecution at Federal, State and Territory level. These letters did elicit a reply from some but all took the position that the DPP does not investigate serious crime, it prosecutes it. I was advised to contact the police. This I did. The Queensland Police have refused to pursue the matters raise. The New South Wales police contacted me but, despite assurances, have not come back to me and the Western Australian Police have ignored my letters which were delivered by hand to the Assistant Commissioner Brad Royce APM State Crime.

It is clear that no one in authority wants to handle this matter. The law it seems does not apply to those in authority. This, I feel, must be rectified by any available means.

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