Why Lawyers Do Not Like Prison Consultants

4 years ago

Why Lawyers Do Not Like Prison Consultants

Dan Wise along with Tom Root discusses many reasons, federal criminal defense attorneys do not approve and even advise their clients to not hire prison consultants. What is the cause that drives many lawyers to this final conclusion?

The problem is in many situations I completely agree.

Book a consultation today to find out how we can assist by clicking here: https://calendly.com/federalprisontime/free-consultation

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Free consultation links below.
Compassionate Release: https://calendly.com/federalprisontime/troot-consultation
Sentencing Mitigation: https://calendly.com/federalprisontime/free-consultation

Let your attorney FIGHT FOR YOU IN COURT.
Let us PREPARE YOU for the fight!

If you are unsure where to start, I beg you to pick up your phone and call me today.
Dan Wise 509.434.4695

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