Watercolor Beach Tutorial for BEGINNERS [Best Tips for Watercolor Painting!]

4 years ago

In this watercolor beach tutorial for beginners I will show you the best tips to create your own beach landscape watercolor painting! This tutorial will show you all the steps to paint this the easy way with only two layers.

Are YOU stuck at home and want to learn a new skill? Then watch this video to learn how to paint this FUN and EASY landscape! In this video, I will go through how ANYONE including YOU can paint an imagined beach scene in half an hour!
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► Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/watercolourmentor/
► Facebook Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/watercolourbeginners/
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Being authentic and upfront is important to me and I believe in transparency, so I want to let you know that there are affiliate links below. This means that if you click through them, I might receive a commission. It supports my channel without any additional cost to you and allows me to keep producing free content. I personally use and can recommend the below art materials for beginners and advanced watercolour artists.
I personally own and use all of the following besides some variations of the synthetic brush kits below. I just tried to find ones on Amazon that were similar and good value:

► Saunders Waterford Rough Block 300gsm 310 x 410mm (Best for loose landscapes): https://amzn.to/3b2ttn3
► Saunders Waterford Rough Block 300gsm 177 x 254mm: https://amzn.to/34EzFQY
► Saunders Waterford CP Block 300gsm 310 x 410mm (Best all rounder): https://amzn.to/358j5bJ
► Saunders Waterford HP Block 300gsm 310 x 410mm (Best for portraits): https://amzn.to/3905EMc
► Stillman & Birn : Beta Sketchbook 8.25 x 11.75in (A4): https://amzn.to/3b0ZHiA
► Stillman & Birn : Gamma Sketchbook 8.25 x 11.75in (A4): https://amzn.to/3gCD98W
► Moleskine Watercolour Hard Cover Notebook - Plain - Large - Black: https://amzn.to/3lVD2t1
► Winsor & Newton Paper Journal, Cold Pressed 140lb 5x7 (I also have the A4 Australian Version, same paper) https://amzn.to/321Hlek

► DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Primary Watercolor Set: https://amzn.to/3jlGD1y
► Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Full-Pan Paint Metal Set, Set of 24 Colors: https://amzn.to/3i820Dd
► Mijello Mission Gold Water Color Palette Set, 36 Colors: https://amzn.to/3jNMGMz
► St. Petersburg Watercolour Ultimate Set/36: https://amzn.to/2QWg5aS
► Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolours 12 Half Pan Pocket Box: https://amzn.to/359NnM0

► 3 x Caligraphy Brush Set (wash and large detailing brushes): https://amzn.to/2EKd22z
► Escoda No. 4 KOLINSKY-TAJMYR SABLE (my fine detailing brush): https://amzn.to/33279GD
► Watercolour Sable Round Brush set (various round brushes): https://amzn.to/3i5RWum
► 15 Piece Synthetic Brush set (contains fan/flat brushes): https://amzn.to/3h2btL6
Get 10% off your first purchase at Jackson's Art Supplies through these links.

► Watercolour Sketchbooks - https://bit.ly/3gz5S0b
I use Stillman & Birn Gamma/Beta & Saunders Waterford Sketchbooks.
► Watercolour Brushes - https://bit.ly/341tgOB
► Watercolour Paper - https://bit.ly/3m7lSHR
► Daniel Smith Paint - https://bit.ly/3gD4EkE
► Schmincke Paint https://bit.ly/3n2SrId
► Mijello Paint - https://bit.ly/376Xe5Z
► St Petersburg Paint - https://bit.ly/3oK2K4a

► Saunders Waterford Paper - https://ebay.to/3oKvf2C
► Schmincke 12 Half-pan Set - https://ebay.to/3mSqQsV
► Daniel Smith 3 Primary Set - https://ebay.to/386Ga0U
► Value Brush Set - https://ebay.to/3eomZ3M

► Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/darrenyeoart/shop


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