ALEC debunks claims recent Supreme Court Decisions are hypocritical on the issue of states' rights.

2 years ago

Following the two separate historic Supreme Court rulings last week involving abortion and the Second Amendment, we’ve all been seeing a lot of tweets claiming the Court acted with hypocrisy on the issue of states' rights. Here’s the deal: The right to keep and bear arms is an enumerated right in the Constitution – the Founders made it the second amendment to the Constitution. It is spelled out in black and white for all the world to see. No court has ever had to slip that right INTO the Constitution. Indeed, the Constitution is clearly silent on the issue of abortion – It is NOT enumerated – or spelled out specifically in the Constitution. In the 1973 Roe v. Wade Decision, the Supreme Court found that right in the Constitution under what many for decades have considered faulty legal reasoning. The Tenth Amendment to Constitution plainly states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In the Dobbs Decision the court ruled that because abortion does not appear either explicitly or implicitly in the text of the Constitution – it is left to the states to decide – or as the Framer’s put it – to THE PEOPLE. As such the Supreme Court has properly empowered the duly elected members of each states legislature with the authority to decide what is best for the citizens of their state. That’s not hypocrisy. That’s simply the plain language of the Constitution.

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