Propaganda is Lying and you gave them (THE UNITED STATES) the right to do both....

2 years ago

The Act was developed to regulate the broadcasting of programs to a foreign and domestic audiences produced under the guidance of the State Department. It prohibited the domestic dissemination of materials produced by such programs as one of its provisions.
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 under President Obama- Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948. The Act authorizes the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for disinformation released to the American Public.
In other words, this “modernization act” of 2012 Granted the United States the right to lie to the American people to gain support for a specific event: i.e., War, Higher Taxes, unconstitutional lockdowns, and more...
The new law would give sweeping powers to the government to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.”
According to this official, “senior public affairs” officers within the Department of Defense want to “get rid” of Smith-Mundt and other restrictions because it prevents information activities designed to prop up unpopular policies—like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Critics of the bill point out that there was rigorous debate when Smith Mundt passed, and the fact that this is so “under the radar,” as the Pentagon official puts it, is troubling.

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