
2 years ago

Standing on the word of God is important for each and every one who believes in all the promises in God are yes and amen. God is always talking to us and revealing His word to us in all things that we are doing, we just have to ask, seek and knock and He will answer us. Are you willing to obey His call in your life? If you are then hold on to your seat, He is about to change things up and show you how it's done through His word and the Holy Spirit. Marriages restored in faith is here to agree and to pray according to the word of God for your walk with Him.

Psalm 27:14, 119:105
Exodus 23:20
Isaiah 30:21
Galatians 6:9
Romans 11:33

Marriages Restored In Faith
Midland TX 79708

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Text to give ( mrifaith ) 1-432-286-1664

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