Australian pundit Alan Jones: Trump Out-maneuvered Pelosi and Schumer!

4 years ago

In this candid clip by Australian pundit Alan Jones, we see what real media looks like, unfiltered by the haze of the Progressive lens that tints our mainstream media in the United States. Jones gives clear analysis of what happened over the weekend and how the race if tightening. He gets it: Biden is a joke and Trump is a true leader! Having lived in Australia for a number of years, I was able to observe and come to appreciate the down-to-earth wisdom and practicality of the people "down under." It has often been said that Australians gave good "crap detectors." This is true! Alan Belford Jones is an Australian former radio broadcaster. He is a former coach of the Australia national rugby union team and rugby league coach and administrator. He has worked as a school teacher, a speech writer in the office of the Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, and in musical theatre. He has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland, and completed a one-year teaching diploma at Worcester College, Oxford. He has received civil and industry awards. Alan can detect the power-play taking place in the USA right now. "When Biden says 'Come on man!' you know he is in trouble!

Good on ya, mate!

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