The Evidence of Reality

2 years ago

What could be the rationale behind this notion? Consider the following possibility: The notion that no religious belief may claim to describe reality may imply that there is no discernible religious reality. For instance, the notion that religious ideas about God cannot be said to correlate to reality may imply that there is no such thing as a genuine God. If this were true, God would not exist at all. Rather than that, God would be a myth or a figure of speech, the ultimate Imaginary Friend. When people pray to God, they are actually communicating with themselves. At most, God would be a consoling fantasy, something people believe in to escape from reality. To be honest, if we believed this view of God was true, we would not bother you with evidence supporting our belief in Him. Indeed, we would not bother believing in God. We have no use for escapism. If God does not exist, we should convert all churches into movies, bowling alleys, and libraries. Our entire interest in Christianity is in its ability to keep its promises—which cannot happen unless Christianity is true. Christianity, as C. S. Lewis expressed it, is not a patent medication. Christianity asserts that it provides an account of facts—that it describes the true nature of the universe. Its account of the universe may be truthful or false, and once you are confronted with the question, your inherent inquisitiveness must drive you to seek a solution. If Christianity is false, no honest man will want to accept it, regardless of how beneficial it may be; if Christianity is real, every honest man will want to believe it, even if it provides no benefit. You may be wondering why Lewis would make such a statement. Isn’t it possible for Christianity to be a positive, beneficial religion even if it isn’t strictly true? And why believe in anything if it isn’t beneficial? The response is that Christianity ultimately claims only one thing: to inform us of what the true, living God has done to restore us to a connection with Him that will endure beyond death for all eternity. If this God does not exist, the entire enterprise is evidently a fraud. While some people may find “comfort” in believing a falsehood, this is not the proper way to live. On the other hand, even if this God exists and you believe in Him, you are not assured quick access to a rose garden devoid of thorns. Thus, the only issues at stake here are the truthfulness of Christianity and the existence of the God of the Christian religion.
This is The evidence of Reality

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