How Self-Talk influences the brain, and 7 techniques to shift your consciousness!

4 years ago

Hi folks! Thanks for joining me on another episode of the Exceptional Life Podcast! This is another long one! I dive deep into how the Reticular Activating System is shaping your reality by way of your thoughts, beliefs and hardwired programming. In short, the RAS is the reason why you become aware of certain things in your environment. For example, many people have experienced the excitement of buying a new vehicle and then they start to notice and spot the same vehicle they just purchased out on the road. Whereas, prior to that they never really saw that vehicle being driven by others. It wasn't until it became "important" to them that they started "seeing" and "noticing" that same vehicle they just purchased...the RAS looks for evidence to support that which is important to you, even on the level of thoughts/beliefs...

In addition, I share 7 techniques that I personally have used for years to instill massive positive change in my life, and you can do the same!

1. Self-Awareness - journaling
2. Self-Praise
3. Affirmations
4. Visualization & Mental Rehearsal
5. Prepaving Rampage - "historical visualization"
6. EFT, Tapping
7. Gratitude Exercises

Let me know if you utilize these techniques. Try to pick a few to start with and implement them on a daily basis! It takes time to shift the thought patterns and beliefs of the mind, but with regular practice you can develop the habits of being exceptional! Remember, you brush your teeth on a daily basis, maybe take a shower everyday? You may even workout and eat a clean doesn't it make sense to also implement mental/emotional hygiene techniques on a daily basis? Be Exceptional my friends!

Thanks for watching!
-Michael Anthony

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