Psychic predictions Coronavirus death toll Trump Biden election Economy

4 years ago

Psychic predictions coronavirus
COVID-19 death toll going down, then staying level for a little bit before going down almost completely. Pandemic mostly going away in about 1 and 1/2 months.
Donald Trump speculations will be inaccurate, numbers off.
Schools will be effected with virus spreading to kids but it won’t have a big overall effect - spreading.
Trump signing paperwork and celebrating economy.
More support for Trump coming up than polls show, possible to win election.
Biden is confident he will win and already condemning T, Trump is not confident. Trump popular surprise-last minute.
Coronavirus affecting heart, liver, kidney. Broccoli, spinach/greens, apples, grapes, being in nature. Demulcent foods for dry intestines (lentils, flax, etc). Don’t eat rabbit/gamey meat.
People will try to push back to normal, old patterns will not work. Learning to be more centered within self, old system is falling apart, new ways of being. Self efficiency replaces commercialization. Broken economy, family/groups commune distrust others. Mischief due to loss of faith in system. Theft, lack of resources etc. Factories will shut down, more demand for local community sourced resources. Alternative living conditions become more popular. More focus on communities, less big business. Economically creative lifestyle. Government helps build small businesses, less corporate focus. Either candidate would have to abandon plan, Trump depressed making compromises and Biden not knowing what to do.
Pipes of system breaking and politicians panic. Gardening for food on rise. Simplistic pleasures in life make a comeback. Less focus on celebrities and media.

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