29 Our Constitution & Duty to Confront Evil - Sam Andrews

4 years ago

Sam Andrews was recruited out of college to work for an intel agency, worked in Afghanistan under President Reagan, and has been a strategic planner for the Department of Defense. He currently co-owns a company that builds Indy car engines, another that designs weapons and weapons systems for operatives all over the world. He also owns the Freedom Center USA with a 1000-yard rifle range and handgun and Close Quarters Battle Training Center where he trains SWAT teams, military, law enforcement, and regular citizens. Sam is also featured every Monday on John Moore’s radio show on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

Many of you may know his wife Ruthie, as she is a favorite frequent guest on Kingdom Talks and SCB.

For a full transcript of this terrific conversation, go to SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/podcast

- How he protected Ferguson businesses during the riots in 2014
- Being trained and prepared to survive in a riot situation
- Attacks on police
- We’re in the 4th phase of an insurgency, and most people don’t even realize it.
- Government tightening the noose around people’s rights until they fight back
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran minister during Hitler's reign wrote “Ethics”
- Why Christians need to stand up and confront evil.
- The myth of the passive Jesus
- No excuse for backing away from evil.
- Living under the matrix of lies and the structure that keeps you silent and passive
- Being Easy Button people
- As Christians we are responsible to tell the truth.
- It's your job to make the people that want to take your freedoms away from you martyr for their cause.
- Spiritual and physical world actions are connected
- We have authority, not just the right and responsibility
- Working for a better government
- Responsibility to develop constitutional candidates
- How we Can Stave off a Civil War in America
- You have to do your homework
- The importance of the Constitutional Sheriff
- First slave owner in the US was a black man
- First president of the Union was a black businessman
- Racism is being used as a scam to take control and power.
- New World Order elitist agenda engraved on the Georgia GuideStones
- NOTE: The United States was incorporated with the Act of 1871 on Feb 21, 1871.

1. (See the full show notes: http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/podcast)
2. (See the full show notes: http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/podcast)
3. How we Can Stave off a Civil War in America
We're in the fourth phase of an insurgency. We're almost on the brink of war, it may be too late. But let's say it's not too late. Let's say that prayer and making changes and how you act and how you spend your money and how you develop candidates. Let's say that we could fix this by voting. The only way to do it is if you take the responsibility as the business community upon yourselves to elect representatives that represent your interests and will protect your God-given rights.

4. Population Reduction VS. God’s directive to subdue the earth and multiply:
The people that are for population reduction, abortion, and all these various things that bring about death. They are literally the Antichrist. They are opposing God's agenda for this planet. And it's a litmus test. It's a gold standard. If you're for life and for population increase, you're in line with God's agenda for this planet. If you're about population reduction and genocide and abortion. You are literally following Satan's agenda.

This is a sea change, this is a paradigm shift in tyranny. Because for 6-7000 years tyrants wanted to enslave people that they took control of and use them for labor. But the current tyrants, the current elitists that are driving all of this collectivism and socialism and communism they're not interested in enslaving anybody they want you off their planet, they want to exterminate you.

5. It's imperative that businessmen get involved and businesswomen - you get involved in the fight because if you're pro-government right now, you're lying to yourself. Our founding fathers would be stacking bodies at this point. And it's past time that people get involved and understand that this has to change. Or your children and grandchildren are going to be exterminated by these evil collectivists, they will be exterminated. And if you believe anything else, you're lying to yourself. And so, I would implore people to get involved in the fight.

Connect with Bralynn at http://BralynnNewby.com

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