White Sands Fossil Tracks

2 years ago

What is the truth about the White Sands fossil human and animal tracks? Evolutionists and some creationists have some of the answers but they ignore some of the evidence. Creationists with their consensus science are like the evolutionists they refuse to accept new discoveries that show they are wrong.
Evidence from alternative science, which doesn’t accept the unproven ancient earth theory. Shows that during a worldwide asteroid shower, about 4370 years ago (2348 BC), the earth was cracked producing worldwide faulting. Subterranean mineral water under pressure was released forcing water onto the continents, and the land sank from loss of water pressure, causing water to flood all the continents.
Then about 350 years later, another massive asteroid shower (With large but smaller asteroids. This evidence of two major cataclysms is seen on the moon as well) caused massive movement on the cracked tectonic plates causing them to pull apart in opposite directions, causing the faults and resulting in upthrust mountain chains (Orogenies i.e. worldwide earth quakes) and sinking valleys. And the continents moved apart isolating people on separate continents. Large portions of mountain ranges were upthrust and sometimes split apart, causing sections of the Earth’s crust to drop thousands of feet, (anticlines) forming basins along these faults. Around this time the mountains in the Whites Sands New Mexico area split into two distinct ranges to rise on each side; the San Andres Mountains to the west and the Sacramento Mountains to the east. Between these two mountain ranges the Tularosa basin formed. The waters from the ocean created a Pleistocene lake which is mostly dry today. As the water evaporated it left behind layers of gypsum and salt becoming saltier the deeper water wells are drilled. Similar to dry Pleistocene lake beds in deserts all over the world.
The Mesozoic strata deposited during the Deluge in 2348 BC rose (anticline) and the Post-Flood Pleistocene sank about 2000 BC, the dry lake sank (syncline) during compression from moving continents made up of separate plates.
The fossil tracks show people and large mammals were fleeing a cataclysm as shown by the fact that the people lost their shoes and were walking many miles with children.
This was the time of the Younger Dryas and Clovis Culture when some mammoth bone were peppered by meteorite iron shrapnel. And a million meteorite creators were formed, many larger than Arizona’s meteor crater, all over the Eastern and middle United States called Carolina Bays. As well as around the world.
Climate changed and living things were starving as shown by evidence from the teeth of animals in the La Brea asphalt seeps in Los Angeles. The volcanic reuptions caused the oceans to heat and caused the ice age 350 years after Noah’s Flood. This is ignored by most creation scientists. I have led in this new discovery.
The American natives who looked at the White Sands tracks said that legend says they have been here since creation. This is false. They came here long before establishment science claims they did about 10 thousand years ago. However, native peoples came here from Babel, when most people were scattered worldwide. The evolutionists dated the site with Carbon 14 at 20 to 23 thousand years ago, changing establishment science which believed it was only 10 thousand years ago.
Actually it was 4 thousand years ago. Carbon 14 is in accurate, the older the carbon dated the older it appears to be. The older dates are stretched. It was actually around 2000 BC 350 years after the worldwide Deluge. Both cataclysms were caused by massive asteroid showers.
This site proves my discovery of two worldwide cataclysms is correct. The valley is Post-Flood Pleistocene and the mountains are Deluge Mesozoic Marine. These are obviously two separate events.
When I was there I drove up into the mountains and found it filled with fossil marine shells.

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