When Do The ETs Arrive, In Person?

4 years ago

The ET Community, those already here as well as many others arriving from the reaches of space, were supposed to show themselves in Dec. of 2018.
Unfortunately, a singular necessary event hadn't occurred yet, so they're still waiting. It won't be much longer now.
The Fireball (ET ship on fire) that made closer to a 180 degree turn than a 100 degree, is a video that's been on the internet for a few years now, "Meteor Does 180 degree Turn over Hungary".
In about mid 2015 or so, the Drachk installed a barrier device in space which closed off everything from the sun to just past Mars. The main device was located on Ceres.
Watch "The Drachk & N'Antids Quarantine Earth, Put Federation on Notice, Disinformation (6-15-2016)" for details.
"Joint ET-U.S. Military Force Destroys Annunaki Bases & Tunnels In Gulf of Alaska (2-23-2018)" was about the near completed removal of the problematic Annunaki (ex-rulers) that were here on Earth.
Early in 2016, the Drachk, N'Antids, and Annunaki (the good ones) started removing the problematic Annunaki that have run this planet for over 10 million years, about 10.25. The Drachk were a bit impatient, and I understand why.
Anyway, in book 3 of my Creation Series (Jay Essex - Creation on amazon), I explained in decent detail the basic changes that will be made here on Earth. What I didn't put in there, is that this new Country (a Union of Communities) whose land mass is actually the Earth's oceans, will be made almost immediately after my death (a month or so later).
Others will connect with this new Country and receive their technology once they fit the profile necessary to join.
Never before seen medical services, free food, and so much more is waiting. You'll see, shortly after I finally leave here.

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