Cuba police brutality vs civilian

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺 | Another account of police abuse against civilians in a food line. The people are upset the #PNR is grabbing a by the neck. The communist dictatorship has increased the violence against the people during this crisis. Our families are living a nightmare. We have sent humanitarian aid and its being retained by the regime at the Port of Mariel. That is a crime against humanity.
Source: Periódico Patria 1892
Date: July 23, 2020
Place: somewhere in the eastern side of Cuba ( accent )
Original post:

#Cuba No puedo respirar no me dejas respirar suplica este Joven Cubano cuando el esbirro le aprieta su cuello con todo su odio .Ahi esta la maquinaria de represión Castrista en acción reprimiendo al pueblo cubano esto es #Dictadura #Tiranía #totalitaria Abajo el asesino #RaulCastro y su sangriento #Regimen #NoAlBloqueo
abajo #RamiroValdezMenendez #asesino libertad para el pueblo cubano.#UnaCubaLibre #AdrianPerezDiaz #PeriodicoPatria1892

#Freedom4Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliciaCubana #Dictatorship #HumanRights #Coleros #libertad #ElCambioEsYa #DTI #AbusoPolicial #Cubanos #Oriente #CambioDeSistema
#ReclamaTuAyuda #LiberenLaAyuda

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