Science and Spirit: The Unified Field, Consciousness, and the Veery Bird

4 years ago

I don't want to give too much away, but among the topics we will explore in this Livestream are incontrovertible proof of precognition gifted to us by a small, nondescript bird from Deleware, the possibility that the Unified Field of physics is pure consciousness as presented by John Hagelin, Phd. During his time at CERN, SLAC and MUM, Hagelin worked on supersymmetric extensions of the standard model and grand unification theories.
Wildy popular with New Age spiritual teachers, the relationship between consciousness and quantum particles is a point of serious contention amongst physicists and is definitely routinely distorted, misinterpreted, and even totally fabricated by the aforementioned pop-culture gurus. We will attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff. That is a warning. I may slaughter some of your sacred cows,, such as Mr. Emoto's ice crystal scam.
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