6 Year Old Seed Grown Lemon Tree | Seed Grown Citrus Tree | Growing Lemons In Containers

4 years ago

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Hey guys! In this video Chad gives the long awaited 6 year seed grown lemon tree update. If you enjoy the video remember to leave a like and subscribe for more plant and gardening videos!!

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Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Plant Fanatic. My name is Chad. today. I want to talk to you guys about my seed grown lemon tree back when I made my first video. it was four years old now at six years old. A lot of you guys have been an update video so lets go ahead and do that. I got it right here for you. A little pruning. There is a six years old right there. the star of the show. okay i'm just kidding guys. This is actually a new seedling that I started just a few months ago im going to graft onto this and make some really pretty citrus trees. But let me take you right over here to the real tree. Nobody get mad alright. Let me just kind of walked back into my little citrus corner here if I can get back here. Alright, so here it is. This big tall beauty right here. This is my six year old lemon tree that I started from seed. I did like the paper paper towel method, waited for it to get a little root and then I just put in some planting pots and six years later. This is what you get so I really hope you guys aren't quitting on your citrus trees growing from a seed and then growing them for a season then throwing them out. You can have a really pretty tree. It still has not put off any fruit. Its been six years now but what can i say i'm a patient guy grafted or anything those sometimes i will take other varieties of citrus when i get cuttings from people and i'll kind of bud grafted on here so i can keep it alive until i have A seedling I can graft but as you can see it's. You can tell a little bit. Holders may be a little bit taller. It was way taller than an ass and I pruned it back. I like to keep it about the same size so obviously its not gonna be too much different but I really enjoy having it. I don't need to do too much with a kind of shoved into a corner. As you can see, this is kind of a little citrus the corner. i'll just put all my spot in the citrus trees. I live in zone seven PF a little too cold to keep them out side, but I just shove them in the garage in the winter and they're fine. They don't need light or anything. They have a little bit of a hard time. Some of the lead will come off when I bring it outside. It takes off again and we're good to go. so don't let being in a northern planting zone keep you from doing this. Get some citrus trees and a a A. Keep them in pots. Keep them in the garage, keep them inside in a sunny window, bringing back out in the spring and you're good to go. But highly recommend holding on to your citrus trees is just so cool to be able to say that even sticking with something for so long and you might get a hard time from some plant people saying that kind of stupid. You don't even know if the fruit is gonna be the same and the fact of the matter is guys i don't care, i'm doing it for fun. i love doing it. I love having the patience because at the end of the day when you guys are going something like this and have patience, you can say I grew this from seed and it finally fruiting for me and it took a lot of patients and that's one of the Biggest things to take away from gardening guys is just to learn. patience, not everything has to be given to you right now. Its easy to go get a grafted tree from somewhere but you never gonna really find people that have seed grown citrus trees, especially in the northern planting zone. so I highly recommend you guys do this and proved some people wrong. Show how patient you are and have fun doing it. Thanks for watching the video guys.

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