Pro-abortion gets angry over pro-life signs.

2 years ago

We are in a spiritual war, against evil knowledge that governs the minds of deceived people, and it is only by the light of Christ Jesus that they may be set free.

Many have worn their pain and brokenness in many different shades and colors to display. Horrific sinful choices have come as a result of much trauma and confusion.
Many of them have been abused, victimized, neglected, traumatized and are wearing their pain and brokenness for all to see.

They need the truth and the freedom of Jesus Christ and the Hope of the true rainbow of the PROMISE of JOY, PEACE and righteousness
Our job to point them to HIM not point fingers.

We cannot restore them and lead them to repentance if we don’t possess the Hope they are searching for. That goes for everyone we seek to bring to the truth and freedom and deliverance of Jesus Christ. This is so they can be free from the lies of the enemy they have been believing and be transformed by the word of God and the blood of the lamb!

"For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm." - Ephesians 6:12.

From the pro-life outreach and gathering on June 26, 2022.

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