Jay Sekulow Reflects on His 31 Years Fighting for Life at SCOTUS

2 years ago

Today we decided it was a good time to actually take a moment and reflect on recent events that have taken place in Washington. It seems like a number of conservatives are feeling worried and frustrated, without a great deal of hope for the future, even in spite of the past week’s two major Supreme Court victories. Especially as the abortion machine is already hard at work in individual states, fighting against pro-life laws and pushing horrific abortion bills.
As the magnitude of the battle still ahead in defense of life begins to set in, we understand some of you may feel discouraged. And by the way, that’s exactly how the Left wants you to feel.
But we also want to assure everyone that, as they say, this is not my first rodeo. I’ve been in this fight for 42 years. My son, Logan Sekulow, even dug up a copy of a magazine from 1991 called The American Lawyer. The cover says “Defending the New Civil Disobedience,” and features a picture of myself and Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry. It was a feature on the pro-life work ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow was doing then, just as now, to defend not only unborn babies, but the rights of pro-life workers and volunteers to protest abortion and to counsel desperate mothers in need.
What’s also very interesting is the bottom of the magazine cover, which shows a picture of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and then-Senator Joe Biden – two men currently considered the hero and villain of last week’s monumental Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Same topic. Same people. What does that tell you?
History repeats itself. We’ve been here before. Even with Roe being overturned, the pro-life fight is far from over. It was a huge win, but we’re still engaged in battles for life all across the country.
Right now the ACLJ is directly engaged in California to stop a hideous abortion bill that would allow abortions up to 28 days AFTER the baby is born. This is far beyond any argument about when life begins – this is simply INFANTICIDE. There is just no more appropriate word for it than evil. And yet the bill recently passed another state committee, as it moves its way closer to becoming a law.
And in Michigan, we told you that we’ve filed amicus briefs alongside two Michigan prosecutors to challenge Michigan Governor Whitmer’s lawsuit to make abortion permanent in the state.
So while we understand the feelings of discouragement over the legal mountain ahead, you should feel encouraged that your ACLJ is still out here fighting, and we know we will win because of you and your steadfast prayers and support of our work. And as Logan pointed out, you should also take some encouragement from the fact that last weekend, despite threats of “rage” and “massive protests,” the fact is that the turnouts at most pro-abortion, anti-Supreme Court protests were unimpressive, attracting far fewer participants than we think abortion advocates hoped for.
Wherever they go, whatever uncivil, nasty insults and distortions the Left hurls at you for being pro-life, we are here fighting, and winning. And with this historic Supreme Court decision on Roe, as well as the recent decision supporting prayer and religious liberty, we can’t help but feel like the tide is turning.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more in-depth analysis of the Left’s latest strategies to make abortion on demand, for any reason, permanent in many states, and what we’re doing to stop them. And much more.

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