Dream Job - Want to be an Author? (Feature: Tara Coyote) - Shadowing Genius

2 years ago

Career confessions with first-time author of a new memoir called "Grace, Grit & Gratitude" by Tara Coyote.

Just For You: The choice to move forward in a career is often made with an uncomfortable lack of quality information and proper exposure to work/life realities. Shadowing current professionals by listening to their experiences is a perfect way to dip your toe into the industry to see if this is something you would love to be doing, too.

Questions Answered:
- What do the day-to-day work activities include?
- What motivates someone to write a memoir vs. other genres?
- How much (formal) education is required to become an Author?
- Does an Author work with a lot of people or is this mostly a solitary profession?
- What characteristics are essential for this profession?
- What types of equipment does an Author need?
- Office job or is there traveling involved?
- Is this a financially stable career choice?
- What stigmas will new Author have to deal with that make work easier/harder?
- What are the positive & negative aspects of becoming an Author?
- How much time does this job take up in your personal life?
- How can someone figure out if this is the right career path for them?

Professional Contributions: Please note that all general advice provided by featured professionals is from their perspective only, is not meant to replace sound advice from your own advisors and does not represent any official view of ShadowingGenius.


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Coyote Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taracoyote/
Coyote Blog: www.cancerwarrioress.com
Coyote Book: https://www.amazon.com/Grace-Grit-Gratitude-Thrivers-Recovery/dp/1737247402/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=grace+grit+and+gratitude+by+tara+coyote&qid=1656536174&sprefix=grace+grit+%2Caps%2C257&sr=8-1


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