ATV Backpacker Cart

2 years ago

MADE IN THE U.S.A. . . . TAKE A GANDER AT THIS VIDEO! Love to hunt but packing out the meat on your back one quarter at a time finally is getting to you because, well, frankly, you are a little older than you were 10 years ago? Are you a hunting guide?? Do you like to go into the back country on your quad but that elk just won’t fit on the back of your machine? Well, Save Your Breath For Bragging!

Do you need to haul fence posts, wire, and tools out into the pasture, or haul out that firewood from the tree you cut down five hundred yards from your truck? THE THE SOLUTION HAS ARRIVED. This is ATV Backpacker and due to its versatility, it is a item and . . . THE GOOD NEWS IS it is once again available. The company was purchased from the prior owners who wanted to retire, and after a two-year hiatus, it is once again being manufactured. Need more info? Our new website is still under construction but our carts and local delivery are available.

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