Episode 583 - Pastor Mike Kestler and Pastor Leo Giovinetti on To Every Man An Answer

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Host Pastor Mike Kestler of The River Christian Fellowship and Co-host Pastor Leo Giovinetti of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship come together to answer your Bible questions on our live call-in Christian apologetic show. Call in with your questions at 1-888-827-5276.


Follow the River Christian Fellowship Here:
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Follow It’s Time with Pastor Mike Kestler Here:
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Video overview:
3:58 - What is the meaning of James 4:2?
11:51 - What book should I start with when reading the Bible for the first time?
16:43 - How did the earth become populated with just Adam and Eve?
25:50 - Where in the Bible does it prohibit marrying multiple wives?
40:55 - Where in the Bible does it speak of satan's fall from heaven?
46:03 - Will New Testament believers continue to worship on Sundays in the Millennium
52:32 - Can you tell me where to find an article that Leo mentioned about 10 nations around Israel?

Find out more about Leo Giovinetti and Mission Valley Christian Fellowship here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MVCFSanDiego/
Website: https://www.mvcf.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP97TglCQNJ9_MOvzaCGPEg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mvcfchurch/

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