Juicing Diet - Cherie Calbom & Ashley James - #151

2 years ago

The Juicing Diet http://learntruehealth.com/juicing-diet/

The Juice Lady’s Guide to Juicing Diet
Going on a juicing diet is not just about mixing fruits and vegetables in a blender. Here in this episode, Cherie Calbom provides us with an in depth explanation on juicing as well as tips on how to do it right.

I first heard of Cherie Calbom through Ty Bollinger’s “The Truth About Cancer” video documentary series. Aside from Calbom’s amazing story on how she got into juicing, she also shares how her body expelled a tumor after doing a short juice detox. It sounds crazy, but it’s true!

Initial Juicing Experience
Calbom got chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia when she was in her 20s. It got so bad to the point that she had to quit work.

However, instead of settling for a life of medication, Calbom resolved to find a way out from her health issues.

“Years ago, juicing was not that popular yet. But when I heard about juicing, I bought a juicer and went on a 5-day juice fast,” recalls Calbom.

To her surprise, Calbom’s body expelled a tumor the size of a golf ball on the fifth day of her juice fast. To this day, she has no idea where the tumor was in her body, but nevertheless, she was glad to get rid of it. Hence, her love affair with juicing began.

Continue reading: http://learntruehealth.com/juicing-diet/

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