Illinois bucks. Should I have passed ? Kioti RX7320, Root Grapple, Chisel Plow, & food plot updates.

4 years ago

Big weekend this weekend coming from our Southern Illinois farm! Join us for a field day with the Kioti RX7320 tractor, our new Disc/Chisel plow, some food plot updates, some look backs on bucks that I have passed in 2019, to see if I should have passed them, or should I have put them on the wall? This is a vlog of wildlife management and a homestead vlog from this past weekend coming from our beautiful Southern Illinois farm. Also for the final land clearing food plot preparation I'll take out the Bobcat T650 CTL (aka skid steer) with the root grapple to do the final clean up from the land clearing projects of the roots, stumps, and trash in this new food plot area to get it finally ready to be planted! I have been working on this land clearing projects since this winter and have experimented with several types of equipment to see what is really the best way to clear land for a future food plot, or crop field, or animal pasture, etc. Today will be the final step in preparing this once wooded area for planting for my 2020 fall food plot, which is my 'house food plot' that I will be planting any day now! Thanks for joining me, and if you enjoy our content please hit the Like button, comment for us and share it so that we can continue to grow our YouTube channel family with many other like minded people out there! We really appreciate that! Also consider subscribing to our channel to follow all kinds of Kioti tractor projects like this, our Illinois and Kentucky land management projects, food plots, duck ponds, wildlife conservation projects, wildlife habitat improvement projects, wildlife photography, our Kentucky farmhouse rehab project, Bobcat mini excavator projects, deer watering holes, building roads, fixing pond dam leaks, Bobcat T650 CTL skid steer projects, DIY red cedar projects, DIY rustic barn wood projects, DIY landscaping, and much more country living adventure. Thank you. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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