Sesame Street: Elmo Gets the COVID19 Vaccine

2 years ago

When I saw this piece of disgusting propaganda, I thought this must be from 2021. However, it turns out to be current:

One of the claims made in the video is that the COVID 'vaccine' is the best way to protect children. This is patently false. First of all, children are part of the zero risk group, so they don't need any additional protection. The only 'COVID' deaths in children were in children who already had terminal diseases. In other words, they died with a positive test, not from COVID. Big difference. See also:

Counting Covid - Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson

Second of all, if you look at Pfizer's disgraceful trial and article, you will see that 'vaccinated' children have a significantly HIGHER risk of getting both COVID and adverse events. See:

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig exposes how Pfizer twisted their clinical trial data for young children

Obviously, we can't know prove long-term harm yet. However, we do know that there are enormous safety signals in older children and adults, and there's no reason to believe it will be different in young children.

The other claim made in this video is that vaccinating children for COVID, protects others. There has never been any proof for this. Dr. Deborah Birx says claims made by the authorities regarding reduction of transmission, were based on mere "hope":

When you look at epidemiological data on infections, it is abundantly clear that the vaxxed are at INCREASED risk of infection and transmission. They're also at significantly increased risk of reinfection and 're-disease'.

The authorities are not seeing any vaccine adverse events, because by their own admission, they aren't even looking! It apparently makes no difference that this is their mandate and they promised they would. See:

New FOIA Release Shows CDC Lied About Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Efforts

Instead of informed consent, we now have disinformed coercion. The people making these claims and spreading this propaganda cannot claims ignorance anymore. These are malicious lies, and countless lives will be destroyed because of them.

Elmo may die from Sudden Muppet Death Syndrome (SMDS). #RIPElmo. Rates of SMDS will be enormously increased among the vaxxed and shortly after injection. Doctors and scientists will proclaim to have no clue what may have caused these deaths, but they will proclaim (on the basis of no data whatsoever) that it wasn't the vaccine.




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