1841 | Louisiana’s Border with the Texas Republic | International Border Marker | Louisiana History

2 years ago

In April 1841, survey crews planted a larger granite block in the ground near the 32nd parallel to mark the United States’ international border with the Republic of Texas. The marker is still on the meridian today near Logansport. This Louisiana History Minute tells the story of the only international border marker standing within the contiguous United States.

Reading List
The Elusive East Texas Border

Town of Logansport

Some Queries concerning the Texas-Louisiana Sabine Boundary

Evolution of the Texas-Louisiana Boundary

A history of the Western Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase, 1819-1841. Page 239

Western Louisiana's Neutral Strip: Its History, People, And Legends - Louisiana Folklife

Photo credits: Texas State Archives, U.S Library of Congress
Music credit: Documentary from AudioJungle

Louisiana History Minute | International Border Marker | Logansport, Louisiana

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