How To Grow A Banana Tree At Home In Any Climate!

4 years ago

Hey guys! In this video Chad talks about how to grow a banana tree at home in any climate.

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Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Plants in Attics today. i'm gonna talk to you about something exciting. If you live in a northern planting zone where you thought you can grow bananas, you actually can let me show you. Its very very cool that you can grow this in northern planting zones. i think its called hardy all the way to zone five. i live in zone 7th. I've had this in the ground i think for two years so this is only two years of growing. I mean you can see the little baby pups that is put off, they're just everywhere I've already taken a bunch of them often given them to friends and family. This variety is called Moose a boss. You Japanese fiber banana. It will flower little put off roots. Only thing is they're not edible, but usually when people are trying to grow bananas in northern zones, they wanted for that tropical feel. This is definitely a plant that you can have in your yard if you want have a tropical feeling. If you have a pool something like that. these are awesome to put around. The pool is gonna give you a total tropical died. Very very low maintenance. I don't do anything to these A: I would say the one thing that you will have to do to them for sure is going to be take these pops off because this will turn into an entire banana patch. I mean no evil. I mean you can see the side of this garden here. This thing will take over this entire area. if I just let it keep going, it'll be in a circular growing pattern, but it will continue to reach out further and further. And a a a a continue to get bigger just the big banana patch which is really cool if you wanna go wild, let it go wild, right, but very very awesome. Plant move the boss You, there's a lot of different places that you can pick them off. Definitely recommend this. Iwill show yuyu can grow other banana trees in colder climates. You just gonna have to keep them in pots. Let me shoyu right next to this time. got different variety of banana. Hey guys, thanks so much for watching the video. I just wanted to take a second to say if you guys like the content please subscribe to the channel and leave a like on this video and also check out our website which is gonna be in the link below Now back to the video so this one Is super door the cabin dish that is the variety of it. it sa more dwarf variety of banana. It tends to get only about two to four feet tall, but a little secret that will really help you guys out. I keep this in a pot. The main plant in a pot and I will move this part just into the garage. I do have grow lights in there now, but for the first few years this banana plant right here is probably the. I don't know. five years old. I just put in the cold garage over winter. It does fine, it doesn't even D doesn't look as healthy as it does right now, but it will. it all get healthy again very quickly in a scene. As soon as we moved out here in the spring I will start putting out new growth and it will be really pretty just like it was before he moved into the garage. But what I do is a. If you want to plant these in the ground, have a pot where you keep the main plant. just take off one of these pups that it puts off. i'll make another video later about propagating bananas. its very simple so check that video out. i'll put the link down in the description below. you take one of these pops and you do what i did here, which is put that pop into the ground and so i just put that right into the ground. Just like you would plan any other tree cover those roots up, give it some water and it just takes off like this. Now there's a bunch of little pups coming off of it. Like I said, this is a dwarf variety, but you can do it with bigger varieties as well. Just keep them the main plants in the pot and you don't even have to worry if I was to say with this banana tree right here if I want. If I have this in a pot I wanted to take it in the garage here where we do its not gonna fit in the garage. You can literally just chop the top of this right off and then bring it into the garage and all start putting out new leaves from that step. You don't have to worry about hurting it, it'll grow back. Bananas are very vigorous plants. The last thing they want to do is dieso can really neglect bananas and they will do fine. One thing about bananas is if you get a hard wind, start doing what you see here. Which is kind of tear the leaves we've had some really bad wins recently, but you can see they didn't trade up to bad. This movie's about you fun and a really holds up. well. i highly recommend this. you can see above me. i've got a a big huge maple trees that gives it a little bit of shade. it doesn't mind too much all growing a little bit

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