Scientists’-compatible Poincaré/popular Parhelia Diamond redundant math! Compare it by yourself!

2 years ago

•Anisotrophy of the horz–vert proportion across side Diamonds of Parhelias that are simply! different to the cental Rhombus of „phenomenon” – Palace of God
•I don't need the fk bAAlsheet from mainstream demonic science!! JHWH is 100% Good God. That even explainable by maths and geometry means! ••• Crystallise your life. I AM CREATED, stupid!!! But I don't recommend LSC or Szczytyński's „labirynth” interpretations & modalities, it must be made clear... . The Truth must be Simple, simplificated (& unified), as Jewish ppl are simple paradoxally at current times. Russian-originated or buddhism non-functional fixation of multi „mandalas” cannot help knowing God The Holy Family — Trinity. Tai chi fuzzy logic cannot bring any normal happiness. Protestantism & success culture falls when money (based on recurrent bluff beast mechanisms...) blinds eyes. They DO NOT KNOW GOD in reality. They, pastors, media, bluff factories (at the same level of evil animal-shaped Maslov-accepted behemah apocalyptic antitrinity desire–consider–industry patterns) are lying that we the people cannot have scientific provable God. ••• Some mathematics stuff are linked after tags. התגלות 4:6: And before the high seat there was, as it seemed, a clear sea of glass; and in the middle of the high seat, and round about it, four beasts full of eyes round about. התגלות 15:2: And I saw a sea which seemed like glass mixed with fire; and those who had overcome the beast and his image and the number of his name, were in their places by the sea of glass, with God's instruments of music in their hands.
TAG CLOUD: #diamonddust #concaveearth #sky #parhelia #sc #heaven #jhwh #yhwh #cellularuniverse #sundogs #threesuns #analysis #shamayim #science #Jewish #rhombus #geometry #phenomenon #haderek #holycross #glassysea #apocalypse #revelation #faith #spirituality #mocksun #model #crystal #computation #luxcore #rendering #computergraphics #comparation #study #blender #apocalypse #sign #wondersofnature #seekinggod #truthaboutlife #crystalpalace #castle #firmament #academy #biblestudy #bibleverses #matrix #scalemodel #carpeting #mathematics #light #bending #unification #physics #atmospheric #lookatthis #simplelife #arc #lens #effect #indepthanalysis #school #creationism

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