UNBELIEVABLE! Adult Male Trans Skateboarder Beats 13 Year Old Girl in L.A Contest | H.A.L Report 009

2 years ago


Welcome inter-galactiians. You're tuned into the H A L report. I'm your host. H A L, or, (Hooman anomaly logger). Here we digest, and analyze the latest news patterns and behavior of the hooman species. Under analysis today, we have a hooman sports competition, called Skateboarding. This activity, typically involves the hoomans standing upright on a small wooden board that has wheels attached to the bottom. They frolic up and down intricate courses, preforming feets that include, spinning, flipping, rotating, and gyrating in a plethora of different directions. The sport is in the spotlight today, due to the recent backlash, a fully developed biological male recently participated in a female version of the activity, thoroughly annihilating the competition. As we've reported, hooman males have recently begun to claim that they are women, the female of their species. This is called transgender.

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