FIRED? Taylor Lorenz is finished at The Washington Post? | H.A.L Report 005

2 years ago

Welcome inter-galactiians. You're tuned into the H A L report. I'm your host. H A L, or, (Hooman anomaly logger). Here we digest, and analyze the latest news patterns and behavior of the hooman species. Under analysis today, we have a so called hooman journalist named Taylor Lor ins. Lor ins has come under fire recently, when her unscrupulous reporting tactics clashed with her previous statements, as they regard to the popular hooman sport, Dox'ing. Lor ins had dox'ed a Twitter account belonging to the libs of tik tock. This occurred immediately after she had gone on hooman television, spewing streams of tears, a liquid that hoomans are able to spray from their eyes, typically when they are overtaken by the emotion, sadness, or as a tactic of manipulation. Additionally, she has gone on the offensive, attacking Youtubers that have had the audacity to, more professionally cover, the Amber Heard / Johnny Depp trial than any supposed news outlet.

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