Black Lives Matter Segment on Martha MacCallum the Story Turns Ugly 8/18/20

4 years ago

Martha McCallum invited BLM New York's Hawk Newsome on her show for a follow-up interview on August 18, 2020. Hawk, as was the case in the June 25th interview, came loaded for bear. But this time he raised the bar on rudeness, arrogance, and race-baiting vitriol. After attacking "America's Mayor" Rudy Guiliani as an unlikeable lightweight, he turned his guns on America.

Martha could not get a word in edgewise. Her excellent questions went unanswered, probably because the answers would have incriminated Hawk as a full-scale Marxist Leninist who sanctions violence and looting as a necessary means to an end. Instead, he went off on tangents that suited his racially charged narrative that white people are evil, America is a slave state, and the system needs to be burned down.

Martha MacCallum kept her cool and was poised throughout, but you can't help feeling her frustration with such an uncooperative guest who only wanted to buttonhole the segment with propaganda.

The segment opens with a statement from the mayor of Washington DC, given at the Democratic National Convention.

This whole clip is an expose of what the Democrat party stands for. Scary. All the more reason why everyone who loves this country needs to get out and vote on November 3rd! #Trump2020

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