Loud House Series: Episode 14 Casagrande Catastrophe

2 years ago

Hours following the initial disaster that occured at Roga Citay Park, Lincoln Loud is recovering at home, despite Dr John Hawkins Armstrong's promise that Lincoln would make it through the week, it turns out that it wasn't as easy as he expected. While sitting alone in the restroom he admits that things will be difficult for him due to the pain, but the situation softens when a very worried Lynn comes in hoping that he is okay, during a short talk, Lincoln spills the beans on what had happened at Roga City Park, prompting Lynn to almost lose her temper, however keeping her promise to Lincoln on not to get angry, Lynn instead pulls Lincoln into her arms, and scolds him for his decision to run away, in which she later admits that the one panicking and worrying about him the most was mainly her.

Lynn starts to help Lincoln with his wounds by placing some Anti Biotics on him, however while this is occurring, back in the Kitchen, Lori is shown sitting with Luna and Lucy, and is currently panicking over her relationship, however Luna and Lucy are able to calm Lori down temporarily, until Lucy decides to go and check on Lincoln, into which Lori warns her not to be too flirty with him, as to which Lucy agrees.

However Lola arrives eventually asking Lori if she had seen her Nurse Clothes, but Lori has no idea, but soon discovers the new clothes that Lola had been walking around in, Lola claims that she bought the clothes from Rotira Attire, but Lori is suspicious, it was later found out that Lola never had an allowance, and had stolen from Lori's Emergency fund to purchase the clothes in order to put her plan in to motion, which by now was no longer needed. Furious, Lori is about to scold Lola, until a banging on the front door is heard, and Lori's anger is turned to fear as she opens the door to see an enraged Bobby demanding an answer on why she attacked Ronnie Anne back at Roga City park.

Lori attempts to tell her side of the story explaining that Ronnie Anne's beatings were mostly the result of her actions and self defense, but Bobby doesn't believe her, instead Lori soon is horrified to find out that Ronnie Anne had twisted the truth again and lied to Bobby to the point that she told him that Lori broke her wrist and Arm, much to the fury of Lori, however, just as Bobby is about to break up with Lori on the spot a weakened and concerned Lincoln came down much to the horror of the 2. Bobby soon realizes that Lori was telling the truth all along when Lincoln explained what happened at Roga City Park, but it is too late for him to save their relationship, Having enough and realizing her mistake in the past back in 2018, as a final act of redemption, Lori finally puts her foot down on Bobby, and breaks up with him in her living room, threatening to call the cops if she were to ever see him again.

Bobby feeling stupid and embarrassed for having to pick family over his own girlfriend which is now his ex-girlfriend then walks away in defeat, admitting that this is what he deserves for choosing his sister over Lori.

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